
This support channel is created to know more about SmartLiving products. You are requested to browse through the listed issues here, may be you will find needed information w/o asking. Otherwise you are always "Ask a Question" i.e. your query. Someone from the community will answer you. All the members can discuss and share their experience for any issues raised on this group. You must be either SmartLiving's B2B customer or Authorised System Integrator to raise or comment on this group.



SmartLiving Tech Support

--SmartLiving Tech Support--

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Nashik, India
--SmartLiving Tech Support--
SmartLiving Tech Support
On 3/17/20, 3:03 PM

All SmartLiving Range of Products have a surge protection in built.

Each of the SmartLiving range of device including those mentioned in the question protects against overvoltage transients such as lightning, power contact and power induction. The device used metal oxide varistors that offers protection as mentioned in below. The devices have a high current handling, high energy absorption capability and fast response times to protect against transient faults up to rated limits.

Maximum working r.m.s. voltage320V
Maximum clamping voltage
Surge Current
10A (Class A Current @ 8/20uSec)
Max Peak Current
1200A @8/20uSec (One time)
Max Energy that protection can handle30Joules @ 8/20uSec

Does the inbuilt protection provided in SmartLiving device is enough for the surge transient?

Well, the answer is: It depends upon the type of transient.

On the other hand the SmartLiving devices are very compact and a typical heavy surge protection for any kind of surge cannot be implemented in the device due to size limitations, where as it is always a good idea to protect entire smart home including SmartLiving devices installed in it. This may offer additional protection to other cheaper devices installed in the home like LED bulbs and other house hold appliances.

You may find more information on surge protection on the internet which is outside of the scope here, below is one of such pointer for your reference considering Smart Home protection in mind.

Anup Pande
On 3/16/20, 6:58 AM

We would like to understand the surge protection Limit of Smart Switches - Relay,Dimmer, SCN, CMC,DLC ,RGB

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Dear VADACTRO please answer this question ..

Smart Living Home Automation Pvt. Ltd., SmartLiving Director (Pravin)
on 3/17/20, 5:33 AM


SmartLiving Director (Pravin)

--SmartLiving Director (Pravin)--

| 0 0 1
Nashik, India
--SmartLiving Director (Pravin)--
SmartLiving Director (Pravin)
On 3/14/20, 10:23 AM

 Explain in detail what exactly you need,( for which products ) 

Keep Informed

About This Community

This support channel is created to know more about SmartLiving products. You are requested to browse through the listed issues here, may be you will find needed information w/o asking. Otherwise you are always "Ask a Question" i.e. your query. Someone from the community will answer you. All the members can discuss and share their experience for any issues raised on this group. You must be either SmartLiving's B2B customer or Authorised System Integrator to raise or comment on this group. Read Guidelines

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Asked: 3/13/20, 12:36 PM
Seen: 4445 times
Last updated: 3/17/20, 3:03 PM